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  European Commission
IDA Programme

White Waghorn (W2) has been associated with the European Commission's Programme for Interchange of Data between Administrations (IDA) and its predecessor, "INSIS", since 1983.

In the second half of 1996, we were contracted by the EC to assist in the Mid-Term Evaluation of the initial IDA programme. Since then, we have been involved in various aspects of IDA Quality Assurance (QA), including both continuous monitoring and ex-post evaluation (including assessment of costs and benefits) for a number of individual IDA projects, including EUPHIN (European Union Public Health Information Network), EUDRA (European Union Drugs Regulatory Authorities) and TESTA (Trans-European Services for Telematics between Administrations).

Since 1998, our work on the IDA Programme has been in collaboration with Anite. We have worked with Anite to develop an IDA QA strategy, a Global Evaluation Method (GEM) for the Programme, and a Project Evaluation Guide (PEG) for individual projects within the Programme.

Although tailored to the specific requirements of the IDA environment, these two documents are of wider interest and applicability to other EC Programmes and beyond. They are available here for download (in PDF format):

Global Evaluation Method (GEM)
Project Evaluation Guide (PEG)

They are expected to be particularly relevant to the IDA II Programme, which was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on 12 July 1999 (Decisions 1719 and 1720). Copies of these Decisions are available at the IDA Website, and in the Official Journal of the European Communities, 3.8.1999, L203/1-13.

The important role of Quality Assurance, Programme Evaluation and Review, with an emphasis on costs and benefits, is explicitly recognised in Decision 1719 (Article 9) and in Decision 1720 (Articles 8 and 13).